Must Students Purchase Professor’s Textbooks?

The Choosers coverWhat are the ethical considerations if a student is forced to purchase professor’s textbooks? Should a professor assign his own textbook and make it required reading? Should a student who is already paying tuition – line a professor’s pockets with additional royalty income?  Continue reading

Bring a Book by Cash Kushel – Not Wine

wine glassSenseofDirection_coverPicture this: You are curled up in front of a fireplace with a glass of wine and a great  book. If you could only take one to a desert island, go with the book – not the vino. So when you bring a gift to someone’s home bring a book! Continue reading

Tribute to Vince Flynn – A Writer’s Immortality

vinceAs a professor I’ve always believed the job contained an aura of immortality.

An educator touches the lives of their students and influences them in many ways. In my 33 years of teaching at two universities I’ve encountered many a student. Coupled with those I’ve interacted with in corporate training programs, I estimate the number exceeds 60,000. I did not experience a profound connection with all of them, but there are always a few in every class with whom a special bond is created. It has always been my contention that a professor can live on within their students. It affords them an aura of immortality. Continue reading

How I Got The Name Cash Kushel

IMG_0109 IMG_0110People ask how I got the name Cash?

Its true that my parents proudly listed the name “Paul Kushel” on my birth certificate. Continue reading